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Mandy Sangha

There are some people who want to fight with you because its the only conversation they can engage you in ie. any reaction/attention is good attention, there are some people who want to 'dim your light for their own purposes' because 'good people' irritate and annoy the 'Devil' in them. There are some people who do not like 'being reminded of their own inadequacies', there are some people who 'just don't appreciate what you do for them', the list goes on. Just 'rise above it all', which hey, I know is difficult but necessary. In a World where 'disaster and chaos reigns' you seem 'out of kilter' to these people, nothing phases you, nothing riles you, nothing upsets you or annoys you anymore because this unfailing faith that 'all will be well' and get this THEY JUST DON'T GET IT.

The Devil is working very hard at the moment to 'get a reaction'. I learnt something recently that the energy of anger and sadness is 'food for the Devil', He 'feeds off it' so if He can 'provoke anger' in people He's guaranteed a 'long life' and at such times He is 'very well fed'. So my advice, 'see it coming', step back and see Him for what He is (to explain, I put His name in capitals because despite his 'bad behaviour' He 'deserves respect because He is very good at what He does). The energy of anger 'kills the soul', 'depletes your life force' and 'distracts you from your purpose/mission/objective'. By all means 'state your case', defend yourself if you feel it necessary but 'see it for what it is'; an attempt to engage you in 'nefarious acts', to 'lower your life force' which ultimately means 'lowering your vibrations' which in turn means you are not operating 'at your highest level'.

In turn, feel sorry for the innocent victim who is 'possessed' for the Devil has 'sewn such evil thoughts' into his or her head that everybody is 'out to get them' they stop seeing what is truth or lie, all in an attempt by the Devil to 'throw you off track'. Remember, 'keep your light strong', 'stand tall' and in the words of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, from 'beyond the veil' 'stay poised and calm whilst all around you flail around in the effects of the Storm of Life for you are the Light of God in a Sea of Dark and it is through you and those like you that this World will survive' so do not 'fall at the first hurdle' my lovelies, stay strong, do not fear you are alone for there are others like you shining their light in the dark to guide us all to safety so 'keep following that light' to 'safe harbour'. Light, Love and Healing. Mandy xxx

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