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And Again!

Mandy Sangha

So, here goes the second blog of the day, wow, my Angels have got a lot to impart today! The energies are 'so ferocious' 'they're' saying (they being my Spirit Guides/Archangels/God even - please, if any term I use does not resonate, either switch off or change the term to something more acceptable to you. These are my beliefs, my terms, my interpretations and they are never meant to 'offend' anyone. This blog is just used as a way to impart my path/journey towards 'enlightenment' and how I've coped with it.

There are lots of times when I just want to throw my hands up in the air and say 'I'm done, I give up, I'll give into my fears and just comply and be a 'good girl' and today it sure felt like that. My Guides and Angels and probably even God seemed to have deserted me and at one point I just said 'thats it, this is too hard, I'm giving up on my dreams' I'll just give in and accept an 'easy life, a quiet life, out of the limelight, away from prying eyes and people who don't understand me' but then something deep inside me said, 'no, why should I? Why shouldn't I 'dream big' why should I let others who don't dare to dream or dream their biggest dreams tell me that I shouldn't want or shouldn't have or shouldn't dream big. I say, you live your life and I'll live mine, let people just be. I'm not harming anyone, all I want for people is to 'live the best life' they can on this journey/planet. Doesn't everyone want that? Or are we a society already that has been 'dumbed down', that has learned to 'accept mediocrity because thats what we're told is all we deserve.

Well, I don't know about you my lovelies, but I won't accept mediocrity or a lesser life, I will live this life in the best way possible, I will 'talk my talk', 'walk my walk' and be the wonderful person that God made me, and all of us. We should never 'dumb down' ourselves, we should never be a 'lesser person', lest it offends for the person that it offends is generally just someone who isn't brave enough to be the 'best they can be'. They have probably spent their life believing the negativity that people put out about them and listening to their own 'inner demons' and those who have an agenda for you to stay 'in your cage'. I'm not 'staying in my cage, or 'my place' or 'in the background so as not to offend' I will be me, full and glorious, proud and loud and a beautiful soul who is just trying to 'shine her light so those around her can see her in all her glory' so they too can feel strong enough to shine their lights because my lovelies, this World needs more Lighthouses shining their light to 'show the way' to safety.

Go be those Lighthouses, people, shine your lights, even if it does offend, even if it does annoy, there are plenty of others out there who will relish our message, take strength from who we are and become who 'they are meant to be too'.

So today, I'm going to be a Lighthouse at home, reinforcing my 'rock'; the foundations that I stand on. There is work that needs to be so as I can be ready to 'shine even brighter'. For you, do what your Angels are telling you to do, for they know best what lies in store for you, they see the bigger picture, they see which direction you are heading in and they know the steps YOU have to take to get there. So listen to them and action what they tell you because believe me 'they truly do know whats best for you'. Till next time. Bye Bye xxx

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